Session 1 Questions
Friday Night
Brand New Again // Titus 3:1-8
- Respect and Kindness: Verses 1-2 talk about being obedient and showing kindness to everyone. Can you think of a situation at school or home where you found it challenging to be kind or respectful? How did you handle it?
- Remembering Our Past: Verse 3 describes how we used to live before knowing Christ. Why is it important to remember where we came from? How does this help us relate to others who might not know Jesus yet?
- Experiencing God’s Love: Verses 4-5 highlight God’s kindness and love. Can you share a moment when you felt God’s love in a special way? How did it change you?
- Salvation and Renewal: According to verses 5-6, we are saved not because of our good deeds but because of God’s mercy. How does this make you feel about your relationship with God? Has anyone in this group made a decision tonight inviting Christ into their lives?
- Doing Good: Verse 8 encourages us to devote ourselves to doing good. What are some practical ways you can show kindness and do good in your school or community this week?
- Grace in Action: How does understanding God’s grace help you treat others, especially those who might be difficult to get along with?
Session 2 Questions
Saturday Night
Session 2: The Lane We’re To Run In // John 15:1-14
- The Vine and the Branches: In verses 1-2, Jesus describes Himself as the true vine and us as the branches. What do you think it means to be a branch connected to Jesus, the vine? How can we stay connected to Him in our daily lives?
- Bearing Fruit: Verse 5 talks about bearing fruit. What kind of “fruit” do you think Jesus is talking about? Can you share an example of how you’ve seen this fruit in your life or in someone else’s?
- Pruning Process: In verse 2, Jesus mentions that God prunes every branch that bears fruit. How do you feel about the idea of God pruning parts of your life? Can you think of a time when you felt God was pruning you to help you grow?
- Abiding in Jesus: Verses 4-7 emphasize the importance of abiding in Jesus. What does it mean to you to “abide” in Jesus? How can you make time to abide in Him amidst your busy schedule?
- Love and Obedience: In verses 9-10, Jesus talks about remaining in His love by keeping His commandments. How do you see the connection between love and obedience in your relationship with Jesus?
- Joy in Jesus: Verse 11 mentions that Jesus wants His joy to be in us and our joy to be complete. What brings you joy in your relationship with Jesus? How can you share that joy with others?
- Loving One Another: Verses 12-14 highlight the command to love one another as Jesus has loved us. What are some practical ways you can show love to your friends, family, and even those who are difficult to love?